Here is the list of Football School in Singapore. 新加坡足球学校名单

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UST Skills School is pleased to announce the development of a new individual technical skills programme, UST Elite Skills Program. It is a complete technical skills program aim to maximize the overall performance of individual holistic player’…

Sporting CP Soccer Academy (Singapore) is an officially Licensed academy with direct affiliation to the famed Sporting CP Clube de Portugal in Lisbon. We celebrated our 2nd year in Singapore in March 2019. We have to date and continue to nurture…

Our Football School caters for any player aged 6 to 17 years old. We offer two differentiated programmes (Team Training and Technical training) to accommodate to your time availability, previous experience, ability level and time you want to…

We employ the same footbal training methodology used in Real Madrid training base in Spain, designed to hone players’ technical skills and develop their vision and decision-making abilities.

It is with this in mind that MOF pivots its education programmes around sharing the multi-faceted sport of Football & Freestyle Football with youths and kids of all age groups. MOF employs a unique teaching method called the Engaging Teaching…