Here is the list of International School in Singapore. 新加坡国际学校名单

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Yuvabharathi International School is registered as a Private Education Institute by the Committee for Private Education. Students of YBIS are guided in the path to understand and conserve nature. Students are involved in projects and activities in…

Waseda Shibuya Senior High School in Singapore (WSS) was founded in April 1991 on the west coast of Singapore. Our school provides a Japanese educational environment for Japanese residents of Singapore and other neighboring countries. In this new…

UWC South East Asia is a K–12 international school and IB World school in Singapore with two campuses enrolling day and boarding students from 100 countries. Part of the global UWC movement, UWC South East Asia is one of 17 schools and colleges…

UWC South East Asia is a K–12 international school and IB World school in Singapore with two campuses enrolling day and boarding students from 100 countries. Part of the global UWC movement, UWC South East Asia is one of 17 schools and colleges…

The Winstedt School is an independent, international school dedicated to educating children who learn differently. Since 2008, Winstedt has led the way for inclusive and progressive education in South-East Asia. Students who benefit from a small…