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At Public Speaking Academy, we train speakers to express and impress in multiple communication domains: Public Speaking, Debating, Inter-personal Skills, Interviews and National Examinations including Project Work (Oral Presentation). Our school-…

The Public Speaking Academy, a corporate entity, is a qualified and diverse team of public speaking trainers and talents, driven by passion and motivated by a desire to impart quality and effective communication and public speaking skills to the…

At Public Speaking Academy, we train individuals, be it kids or adult professionals, to express and impress in multiple communication domains: Public Speaking, Business Presentation, Debating, Inter-personal Skills, Interviews and National…

MNB Nurturing Touch Specialists have been in the business of advocating the importance positive and respectful touch for all stages of life since 2004. We believe our sense of touch is our most important sense, the first to develop in uterus and the…

Established in 2003, M.A.D. School offers our very own unique MAD formula, a powerful program that integrates marketing, advertising and design. Thanks to our strategic partnership with industry professionals and leaders, our curriculum evolves as…