Here is the list of Yoga School in Singapore. 新加坡瑜伽学校名单

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We provide welcoming, beginner-friendly, and accessible yoga classes to practitioners of all levels. Yoga classes are capped at 18 pax to ensure that our teachers are able to give each and every student in class enough attention and adjustments…

At Ziva Yoga, we believe in rooting down before rising up. We focus on providing you with strong foundations before deepening your yoga practice safely and effectively. We believe in the deeper purpose of yoga. At its root, we believe yoga provides…

Class Description: Hatha Yoga – is the physical form of the whole Yoga practice which is focussing on the asanas (postures) and pranayama (breath control). The movement of the postures are often at a moderate pace and affects all the…

For beginners to advanced users, pregnant women, moms raising children, and couples. For a more enjoyable and rich life in Singapore. It features easy-to-understand and careful instruction based on anatomy, alignment, and manipulative science. Yoga,…

Yoga+ was born out of the desire to create a holistic space that goes beyond the physical realm of yoga. By redefining the collective understanding of yoga, Yoga+ seeks to explore the infinite possibilities of yoga beyond its asanas.