As one of Singapore’s leading Early Childhood Education institute, we provide a range of accredited Certificate and Diploma programmes in both English and Mandarin that prepare educators for vibrant careers in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE).

We focus on igniting the passion and deepening the knowledge and skills of early childhood education professionals. Our certificate and diploma programmes extend beyond conventional approaches.  Through contemporary pedagogies, we combine theory and practical experiences in a truly global setting, allowing our students to be immersed in best practices from around the world.

As a testament to our high standards, Asian International College was voted the Top 30 “Preferred Private Education Institutions – OVERALL” in the JobsCentral Learning Rankings and Survey 2012.


The Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) an autonomous agency jointly seen by Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), through their Preschool Qualification Accreditation Committee (PQAC) and Early Years Qualification Academic Qualification Committee (EYQAC) in Singapore, accredit our teacher education courses.

All our teacher education courses are developed according to Skills Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education, a key initiative under Skills Future Singapore (SSG) and Workforce Singapore (WSG).   A key feature of Skills Framework is the recognition of prior learning and competencies attained on-the-job.  Funding support will be provided to every individual (Singaporean and PR) who is interested in joining the ECCE sector, or currently in the sector.

Enriching Learning Experience

Our programmes are delivered either through face-to-face class sessions or a combination of both or hybrid modes to enhance student’s learning experience.

Class sessions are scheduled almost on a daily basis (depending on the programme or module) either in the day or in evenings to suit learners from different backgrounds. These sessions are designed around interactive learning activities and students are assessed through a variety of methods including, among others, role-play, presentations, group discussions or project work to demonstrate their learning.

Our exclusive partnership with four of Singapore’s leading brands in early childhood education – Brighton Montessori; Learning Vision; Odyssey, The Global Preschool; and Pat’s Schoolhouse – provides our students invaluable exposure to industry best practices and leading edge pedagogies. To enrich our learners’ experience, we support our students with relevant practicum placements, career counselling and job placements.