Aventis Learning Group is a leading corporate training provider in Asia. With more than a decade of a successful track record, Aventis has been providing more than 200 rewarding Corporate Training Workshops and Courses in Singapore. With a team of internationally renowned trainers from Australia, Europe, and the USA, Aventis has coached over 30,000 learners to date.

Our Corporate Training courses are professionally recognised and have won multiple awards. Aventis Learning group is the proud recipient of the prestigious Training, Education & Development (T.E.D.) Awards in 2018, being recognised as the Best Corporate Training Provider in its ‘Communications’, and ‘Personal Effectiveness & Productivity’ course categories. Aventis is also the proud recipient of the T.E.D. 2018 Gold Standard Service Award for its ‘Finance Management’ and ‘Senior Management & Leadership’ course categories.

With our extensive suite of public workshops and courses, it is easy to find relevant courses suited to fulfil your training interests. Most of Aventis’ Corporate Workshops are conducted as an optimal one-day or two-day course, so look forward to gaining new skills and knowledge in a concise amount of time. We cater for 10 different categories, such as HR & People Management Skills, Marketing, Sales & Service Excellence, Communication & Presentation Skills, Finance, Legal & Compliance, Personal Effectiveness & Problem Solving, Digital Marketing & Transformation, Digital Forensics & Counter Terrorism, Leadership, and Coaching & Strategy.