Crossward began with a belief. A belief that life has to be purposefully and passionately lived. A belief that education must set in motion a journey that uncovers Passions and establishes Purpose, in order for our youth of today to rise up to be effective leaders of tomorrow.

Over the years, our Co-founder Darrell has taught and journeyed with hundreds of youths. Beyond the immediate realizations of academic success, many of his students have gone on to navigate their journeys with a greater sense of mindfulness and a stronger sense of purpose.

At Crossward, we take delight in the As that our students attain, but we find our greatest joy in the purpose-driven lives that they lead. Through our belief in them, Crossward is where young lives will be empowered, so that their influence may in turn be multiplied.

– Lower Secondary Current Affairs and Critical Thinking Programme (in Partnership with SPH)
– Upper Secondary Current Affairs and Critical Thinking Programme (in Partnership with SPH)

– Lower Secondary Language Arts Programme
– Upper Secondary Language and Mentorship Programme
– Current Affairs and Critical Thinking Programme