Dover Court International School is one of the leading inclusive British international schools in South East Asia, offering the English National Curriculum.

Dover Court International School is set on a spacious, green 12 acre campus, situated in the heart of Singapore. The campus was established in April 1972 in the former Officer’s Mess of the Royal Corps of Signals, constructed by the British military in 1952.

We benefit from having a mix of new and old buildings, giving us both spacious classrooms and flexible learning spaces. All of the classrooms are air-conditioned and our programme of building maintenance ensures that the classrooms are kept clean, fresh and bright. Classrooms in Early Years are full of interesting and engaging activities which prompt learning to be led by the students. Primary Classrooms are well-resourced and showcase the current learning from the International Primary Curriculum topic. All rooms have interactive whiteboards and cosy reading corners. Once in the Secondary school our students have a dedicated form room and also move around the well-equipped specialist classrooms.

We are very fortunate to have extensive outdoor space and our teachers often bring the learning outside. The Early Years Foundation Stage shares two large outdoor learning areas, which act as extensions to the classrooms and give the teachers the opportunity to expand the range of activities that students access on a daily basis. Our campus also boasts several playgrounds, with play equipment appropriate for our different year groups. Students are encouraged to be active during their breaks and have access to the playgrounds, courts and pitches during this time.