Dreamkids is a unconventional, happy bilingual (English & Chinese) preschool with a strong emphasis on building the human spirit and values, as well as equipping the essential future skills in our children.

We believe that education of our children starts with this – values. It means that children should be taught how to be useful human beings first as learning is never complete with just the acquisition of knowledge. Learning is completed when knowledge acquired is applied to add value to either oneself or the community. In fact, unlike skills such as literacy, this is the hardest to teach. As such, Dreamkids places strong emphasis on character building through our value-based education, especially for our children from 18 months to 4 years old, using the VAK (Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic) approach. Through values, we develop wisdom in our children, and this is the advantage that our children will have in the world of Artificial Intelligence, where machines will become smarter than human beings.

“It takes a village to raise a child.” Using our proprietary Dreamkids’ Fun Ecosystem, parents, grandparents and teachers come together to learn and grow with your child, transforming values into habits. The Dreamkids’ Fun Ecosystem is built based on our motto – “Happy Teachers, Happy Children, Happy Parents”, where teachers, children and parents grow and learn together happily. We believe that with strong values coupled with success habits, our children are ready for learning and growing fast.

With a strong foundation based on values and habits, which are crucial for good decision making as your child grows up, we are now ready to impart 21st century skills to our children. This is done via Dreamkids Future Ready Education, our flagship programme that is specially designed after years of research and study of successful people in the modern world, to nurture our preschoolers the success mindset and 21st century skillsets necessary for them to make an impact to the community and the world. In this achievement-based education, your child will master the power of creation, transforming ideas into reality through relevant real-life experiences that already could add value to the community.

We are proud to be working with Fun Academy & University of Helsinki from Finland, to bring in the Fun Learning Concept for children aged three to six years. It’s been created together with education professionals, teachers and researchers from Finland and Singapore, who share a common desire with us – to light a lifelong spark for learning.

In Dreamkids, the child is supported and respected as an active participant in the learning process. Behind the program is the belief that play is a natural way for children to learn; therefore the learning program is built on concepts of play and fun.

In the world where information is easily available on Internet, we believe that teachers have become more of facilitators of learning and role models for our children than just merely imparting knowledge. As such, teachers in Dreamkids must not only be highly qualified, but are truly happy early childhood educators who have dreams and are passionate about making a difference to children and the world! This is extremely important because teaching our children values such as dreams is unlike teaching ABCs or 123s where there is a structured curriculum from step one to step ten. It’s through the daily interaction and conversations with children that we influence these values to our children, and can only be done when one truly believes in these values! This is why building a strong school culture, where parents, teachers and children speak the same language and perform the same set of action!

Dreamkids is not your ordinary preschool. It is a preschool with a strong culture, one that will grow your child to be happy, creative, resilient and confident global citizens who dare to dream and create the change they want to see in the world.