Students with autism need to be taught basic life skills that are not learnt from a general academic curriculum. The teaching of self-help skills, leisure skills, and vocational skills requires ongoing, systematic instruction from teachers who are skilled, committed, and patient.

Research indicates that basic life skills are crucial to long-term independence outcomes for students with autism. Without careful instruction and opportunities to learn and practice skills, our students run the very real risk of being relegated to more restrictive environments, unable to function and contribute to our Singapore society. At Eden School we understand the importance of our mission and strive to be the change we want to see.

Eden School adopts a curriculum that aims to prepare students with autism for their adult lives in the following domains:

  • To be able to care for their own personal needs
  • To participate in routine social interactions in the community
  • To be able to transition between different activities and locations
  • To undertake meaningful vocational jobs consistent with their skills & abilities
  • To appropriately occupy their leisure time