Certified by the French Ministry of National Education and bound by a convention to the French government, the Lycée Français de Singapour provides a formal education not only to French students residing in Singapore, but also to students of all nationalities who are not French-speakers.

Although students of the Lycée Français de Singapour are predominantly of French origin, sixty nationalities are represented. Today the School welcomes close to 2,800 students from Kindergarten to High School.

Teaching modern languages is one of the priorities of the School. Regardless of their chosen paths, all students have the opportunity to master many foreign languages (English, Mandarin, etc…) thanks to innovating teaching systems.

The Lycée Français de Singapour supports the students all the way to the Baccalauréat, the diploma that confirms secondary education, which is the French equivalent of the British “A” Levels. It qualifies to access higher education in France and around the world. The School’s success rate at the Baccalauréat is regularly over 95%.

On a site of more than 54,000 m², the Lycée Français de Singapour offers its students from Kindergarten to High School many opportunities to practice sports and to participate in cultural activities. Thanks to its state of the art scientific and computer equipment, students have a privileged access to new technology.

A school of the future: the Lycée Français de Singapour has all the assets to ensure the best chances of success for your children in school and in university, all the while providing a space of personal development.