MNB Nurturing Touch Specialists have been in the business of advocating the importance positive and respectful touch for all stages of life since 2004.

We believe our sense of touch is our most important sense, the first to develop in uterus and the last to leave us when we die. This is why a positive touch experience is so important in all stages of life. Researchers have proven that a lack of a positive touch experience in human beings lead to many physical, mental and emotional problems that we will have now realised that they are the cause of many societal issues.

Our programmes use various positive and nurturing touch methods and techniques to help:

NEWBORNS establish a strong and solid relationship with their parents in their first year of life

TODDLERS & CHILDREN learn better and more effectively when touch and movement is integrated into the entire learning experience

YOUTHS, ADULTS & ELDERLY consciously manage and cope with stress in an increasingly stressful society

All our trainers and instructors are professionally trained and highly equipped to carry out all our trainings and programmes. Our programmes are internationally recognized and are solidly researched from angles such as neuro-science, sociology, psychology, medical, educational, etc.

We aim to add the Nurturing Touch is everything that we do!