Established in 1938, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) (南洋艺术学院) offers the following specialised full-time courses under the School of Art and Design, School of Arts Management, Dance and Theatre, and School of Music:

• 3D Design
• Arts Management
• Design and Media
• Fine Art
• Fashion Studies
• Dance
• Music
• Theatre

Here, students move seamlessly from diploma to degree through our partnership programmes with reputable universities. Our courses are taught by art practitioners with internationally recognised qualifications and a deep-seated passion for the arts. Apart from developing important technical know-how, we also encourage our students to think critically, creatively and independently. Our curriculum empowers them to pursue interests across disciplines, and is constantly updated to match the needs of the industry. NAFA also offers weekend courses in art, music, dance and drama for 4 to 18-year-olds, as well as enrichment courses and part-time certificate programmes for working adults.