In the First School (from Pre-Kindergarten through to Grade 1) children will be taught by a class teacher, supported by a learning assistant. Much of their learning will be through play and practical activities and is designed to inspire the children, and to foster curiosity, inquiry and reflection. There is also a strong emphasis on trans-disciplinary learning – allowing children to make links across the curriculum and to discover their own interests in an atmosphere which encourages independence, personal responsibility and care for others.

As children progress through the Lower School, they will continue to be taught primarily by a class teacher, who combines individual pastoral care with teaching and learning, thus holding a complete picture of the whole child. Learning assistants will continue to offer support across the grade-levels in Lower School.

The Junior School curriculum is rigorous and will develop skills and knowledge in Reading, Writing and Mathematics alongside Science, History, Geography, Social Studies, Art and Design, ICT, Music, Drama and Physical and Health Education. As children progress through the Junior School, so they will become exposed to an increasing amount of specialist teaching in key curriculum areas.