Winchester Infant Care & Preschool welcomes babies from 2 months old to grow with us through to kindergarten, & even beyond with after school care.

Winchester was founded in 2005 & we have always been guided by our WABI-SABI philosophy of teaching. At our new campus now, we are excited to bring WABI-SABI to greater heights with the expanded facilities as well as larger space that we have.

The Japanese philosophy of WABI-SABI says that there is perfection in imperfection. That’s simply because nobody’s perfect but everybody is beautiful. At Winchester, we believe in WABi-SABI; in the beauty of being & the discovery of life through learning. We teach our children to WONDER at the world & to find their footing in society. We do not mould; we only guide. Our teachers love seeking out the best in each of our children, nurturing their personalities & bracing their falls. For there will be falls, & we want to catch them, not shield them for those moments. The world is changing. We provide a foundation for our children to grow & shift with it.

The point of education is learning how to keep learning. How else will life ever be?