Robots have always been a captivating piece of technology, programmable to move, make noise, light up, and follow instructions as directed. It is one of the most fun and educational activity to build one’s own robot and controlling it with how the student perceive it should be doing.

In school syllabus, robots encourage problem-solving, creative thinking, and a healthy mindset for competition that drives innovation from students.
Coding and other STEM concepts can seem very mind boggling, especially to younger students. Reading about technology or robotics in a book is perhaps the traditional way to learn, but putting that theory into practice by building or controlling a robot is hands-on learning that sticks around for the future. It also takes teamwork to make a robotics project run smoothly, and that’s a skill everyone needs.

Young Engineers Singapore offers a various of STEM Robotic and coding classes and holiday programs with the intent to make it educational and entertaining environments. Our educational syllabus and tools are used worldwide with 46 countries adopting our pedological method. And our 21st century education has been endorsed by Harvard Graduates School and local NIE.